Big update to the Craftin' Outlaws website- vendor list and sponsors posted!
Check it out here: http://www.craftinoutlaws.com
We receive A TON of applications (a lot at the last minute) and it is sooo hard to make cuts as pretty much everything was fantastic quality-wise. Mostly had to base the selections on the type of item and then the style, etc- to make sure to get a varied amount of item types, price ranges, etc. Jewelry, handbags, and paper goods are certainly the most popular application- so competition is crazy to get one of the booths we reserve for those types of items. But I think the final list turned out well and I am pretty pumped.
We also received a lot of sponsorship support this year- allowing us to double our advertising budget- which is never a bad thing ;)
I am leaving in a few hours to make a road trip with Josh to the Outer Banks in North Carolina (12 hour drive?) to meet up with my family who is currently on vacation there and will be returning late Sunday. We are looking forward to a little relaxing vacation before leaving again a little over a week later to fly out to Seattle for a few days to find our new digs there. Followed by a few weeks later, Craftin' Outlaws, and then a week or so later our big move across the country!