Finished another dress design last night- Red Gingham Plaid Summer Dress. Lightweight, comfortable, and classic. Like the previously posted Leopard Dress- it is currently only available for sale through my etsy shop. Once I get a photoshoot for all the new items, they will be posted on the main website. Be one of the first to own it and go order it here: http://luckykat.etsy.com
Gallery Opening- So I have been working the past 8 months with Charles Kleibacker from the Columbus Museum of Art to put together an exhibit that is opening on Thursday May 8 at the Riffe Gallery downtown. It is about his career as a New York couture fashion designer and about the exhibits on fashion he has curated in Ohio since 1986. It has been quite the experience working with him and pretty amazing to see it all finally come together. He will be giving a tour of the exhibition from 5-6p and it will then be followed by a reception from 6-8p. I will most certainly be there to brag about all of the headwraps I put together on the bald mannequins last week ;)
If you are local and interested in fashion- come check it out! More info