Wednesday, April 30, 2008

New Dress Design and Riffe Gallery exhibit

Finished another dress design last night- Red Gingham Plaid Summer Dress. Lightweight, comfortable, and classic. Like the previously posted Leopard Dress- it is currently only available for sale through my etsy shop. Once I get a photoshoot for all the new items, they will be posted on the main website. Be one of the first to own it and go order it here:


Gallery Opening- So I have been working the past 8 months with Charles Kleibacker from the Columbus Museum of Art to put together an exhibit that is opening on Thursday May 8 at the Riffe Gallery downtown. It is about his career as a New York couture fashion designer and about the exhibits on fashion he has curated in Ohio since 1986. It has been quite the experience working with him and pretty amazing to see it all finally come together. He will be giving a tour of the exhibition from 5-6p and it will then be followed by a reception from 6-8p. I will most certainly be there to brag about all of the headwraps I put together on the bald mannequins last week ;)

If you are local and interested in fashion- come check it out!  More info

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Craftin' Outlaws and Seattle?

Craftin' Outlaws News-

I just finished updating the Craftin' Outlaws website with some details for this year's event. It will take place on August 16, noon until 7, at a new location! BoMA, the big historic church turned nightclub on Broad St downtown. I think it will be a great big space for it and it will be fantastic to contain all of the vendors in one room... and inside! No more worrying about tents or the weather.

Vendor applications will be available on the website starting June 3 and will be due July 3. I am currently recruiting helpers to plan this years events- so if you are local and have any interest and/or experience in areas such as marketing, obtaining sponsorships, creative event ideas, etc. let me know (send email to ) and I will forward info to you about meetings, etc.

Also, if interested, I will be at the Craft Cotillion meeting on Monday April 28th at 8p in the backroom of Surly Girl to talk about C.O. and you can talk to me there. Also, you can meet a lovely and friendly group of crafty local folks as well!

Lucky Kat News-

Due to some price restructuring, all Lucky Kat brand clothing and purses have been lowered in price permanently. I will for the most part not be offering wholesale to retailers anymore, so the restructuring and resulting savings have been passed along to my lovely and loyal website customers.

The Columbus City Sampler that I had mentioned making drink coasters for in a previous post has been on sale on the Sampler Website and has gotten some local press as well. The Columbus Alive did an article that came out Thursday that had a photo of some of the samples including my coasters right on top!

Liz News-

I have been doing some really fun things recently, including an Occupational Costume themed Dance Party last weekend and a fun picnic in the park on Wednesday. Of course I have photos but haven't gotten around to posting them yet. I love my friends and will miss them terribly when....

I ... move ... to.... Seattle at the end of the summer!!

It's official- me (and the handsome Josh) will be moving out from the Midwest to the Northwest sometime in late August. Yeah, it's kinda a big deal.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Most people who know me- know that I have trouble sleeping most nights. No real problem falling asleep... but always waking up a couple hours later and I end up watching MadTV reruns on comedy central downstairs on the couch the rest of the morning. Too many days in a row started like this on a few hours sleep... it begins to take its toll.

After a rare Saturday night in watching a rented movie and chuggin a half of a bottle of NyQuil, I woke up this morning feeling so good and rested it is unbelievable. Granted, yes I did still wake up a few hours after laying down last night and moved downstairs as to not wake my man sleeping gently beside me thinking it would be another typical very early morning... but I ended up returning to sleep there for another 5 or 6 hours. I feel fantastic!

So... in honor of feeling awake and motivated- I present to you a 10% off coupon code- good for 10% off your order on the website. So go place your order and put me to work ;)
{ enter code: SPRING10 during checkout at }


Also- have you checked out the etsy store lately?
If you don't have an account there to buy- it is super quick and simple to sign up!
Choice items on sale- possibly something you've had your eye on....Drawstring Tunic Dress, Dark Leopard Skirt, etc.
The new Leopard Print dress (currently exclusive to etsy) with tulle ruffle lining with a limited time low price.....

Hurry now to take advantage of these feel-good sales!!


Remember the Lucky Kat Charms eBay store? Cool pewter charms in the shapes of skulls, cherries, pirates, guns, horseshoes, etc? Well- I have opened a storefront on etsy to start selling them again. I will be adding about 5 new charms everyday- so check it out and bookmark it to easily check back to see the latest additions.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008


I have been working on new clothing designs recently and forgot how enjoyable that is. Sometimes it is hard to maintain the balance of keeping up with orders for the same items I need to make again and again to that of being creative and making new things. The business is a little more streamlined with the new website that I can afford to take the time to begin creating again. I will be waiting until all of my design samples are ready and do a photoshoot for everything all at once instead of here and there as items are created. That is hard for me because once I finish something I want it to be out and available instantly!

So to compromise with myself- I have taken photos of one of the new dress designs on a dress form (shown at left) and have added it available for sale in the etsy store. I am really happy with how it turned out and it is very customizable as well- from piping colors, straps, etc. Go here to order one for yourself now before it is available on the regular website!

As I finish up other items I may add them to the etsy store as well before I get them all professionally photographed for the main site. So keep an eye open....


Two weekends ago I went to the scooter rally in Cincinnati. Had a good time! Pictures are up in my flickr page. Me above with my eyes wide shut for the camera!

So I have this leather jacket that I bought off of eBay a couple months ago (I am wearing it in most of those pictures). I had to reconstruct it a bit (take out some ugly shoulder pads, shorten the shoulders, etc -- yes, it was probably from the 80s) and really like how it turned out.

Unfortunately, because it is vintage and has been stored who-knows-where.... it smells. It's got that thrift store, moth balls, stale old smell to it that I hoped would go away after a few wearings. Well.... it didn't. It is almost to the point where it is unbearable to wear for long periods of time. Well, I brought it with me to the rally and wore it on the long ride on Saturday- hoping that being outside and in the wind would air it out. I guess it did slightly- and I was able to wear it just about all that day without gagging- but I can still smell it from about a foot away. I do realize that I could do something to it- spray it more with something, use some leather care on it, etc.... I just figured it should fade on its own. Still not sure if it is the leather, lining, or stuffing in between that is holding it. Any suggestions?!