I have been working on new clothing designs recently and forgot how enjoyable that is. Sometimes it is hard to maintain the balance of keeping up with orders for the same items I need to make again and again to that of being creative and making new things. The business is a little more streamlined with the new website that I can afford to take the time to begin creating again. I will be waiting until all of my design samples are ready and do a photoshoot for everything all at once instead of here and there as items are created. That is hard for me because once I finish something I want it to be out and available instantly!
So to compromise with myself- I have taken photos of one of the new dress designs on a dress form (shown at left) and have added it available for sale in the etsy store. I am really happy with how it turned out and it is very customizable as well- from piping colors, straps, etc. Go here to order one for yourself now before it is available on the regular website!
As I finish up other items I may add them to the etsy store as well before I get them all professionally photographed for the main site. So keep an eye open....

Two weekends ago I went to the scooter rally in Cincinnati. Had a good time! Pictures are up in my flickr page. Me above with my eyes wide shut for the camera!
So I have this leather jacket that I bought off of eBay a couple months ago (I am wearing it in most of those pictures). I had to reconstruct it a bit (take out some ugly shoulder pads, shorten the shoulders, etc -- yes, it was probably from the 80s) and really like how it turned out.
Unfortunately, because it is vintage and has been stored who-knows-where.... it smells. It's got that thrift store, moth balls, stale old smell to it that I hoped would go away after a few wearings. Well.... it didn't. It is almost to the point where it is unbearable to wear for long periods of time. Well, I brought it with me to the rally and wore it on the long ride on Saturday- hoping that being outside and in the wind would air it out. I guess it did slightly- and I was able to wear it just about all that day without gagging- but I can still smell it from about a foot away. I do realize that I could do something to it- spray it more with something, use some leather care on it, etc.... I just figured it should fade on its own. Still not sure if it is the leather, lining, or stuffing in between that is holding it. Any suggestions?!
If the smell is still there through the all day air and sunshine of Saturday, then it's in the lining. Take it to a dry cleaners. Either Swan at 5000 Sinclair Rd or Sunshine cleaners out of Cincinnati since it seems most dry cleaners send their leather goods to them anyway.
The dress you made is pretty and the jacket is kickass. The smell is just its way of marking its territory.
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