Monday, December 31, 2007

The Post Office

For various reasons- including the fact that most items of my orders are shipped first-class mail and I can't figure out how to print that postage online, the wasting of my paper for labels, and the fact that I really should get out of the house sometimes, etc.- I usually use the APC at the post office to print postage and ship packages instead of doing it online- or god forbid actually take it to the counter.  Unfortunately, for international packages- I can't do that on the APC.  For those not in the know- the Automated Postal Center- can be found in most POs and looks a bit like an ATM.  Unfortunately my closest post office doesn't have one- so I have to go a bit farther to get to the one that does- and I usually go about every 2-3 days.  

Today it took me about an hour and half as usual to package up and label what needed to go out today.  I took my load over to the post office and there was a line out the door- probably atleast 20 people long.  Was there a line for the APC- of course not!  I get through my packages like a whiz- seeing as I know their interface better than most of their employees- and drop 'em in the slot.  

My question is- why don't people use it?  I am glad they don't- I am extremely impatient and detest waiting in lines for things like that- but I wonder if they don't know about it or they are technoligically frightened by it even though it is very much like an ATM- (this is probably the case since it seems the average age of those in line is about 65-70)?  During the week or two before xmas- they had an employee standing there instructing people how to use it and they did manage to get a few people waiting to use it as opposed to the hundred waiting to get to the counter.  With a lot of grocery stores and places like Lowe's having also having automated checkouts- it makes me wonder what other services in the future will be automated too?  I am still waiting for the car with "auto-pilot" because I hate driving and would just like to nap until I get to my destination.... anyways..... 

Tonight is New Year's eve- I've got some loose plans and will see where the evening takes me.  This is one of my favorite holidays- along with my birthday, and halloween- because it is pretty much just an excuse to get dressed up and party with friends.  No religion or family commitments really- just an excuse to party during the week.  Last year, it was my request that Josh and I spend the entire New Year's day in bed- and we did just that.  He only got up to go pick up some Chinese Food for dinner but did climb quickly back in upon his return.  I do have a lot of orders to catch up on- but would love to make the New Year's day Bed-In a tradition!


Josh said...

old people are dumb

Bootlegger84 said...

i think people that mail letters are usually older..youngin's just use the new fangled world wide web. same observations i make every time i ship stuff..its nice that no one understands/uses it though for us! :)